Taken from: WNGS                                             


Fashion constantly bombards us with styles that set trends to make us participate in the creation of great designs thet make a difference. Our starting point is always in the meticulous choice textiles, keeping as an objetive point to meet the expectations of our costomers, for this reason we are very cautious in the choice of each fabric into account the functionality, comfort, freshness, well-being, amoung others.

Nature gives us a variety of colors and figures that we have wanted to conqer, appropriating its great varienty of colors and trapping eazh figure, turning them into patterns that make up a unique pattern on each canvas.

Our shirts generate emotion and remembrance




Barsotti is the blend of Italian design inspiration and the perfection of Colombian manufacturing, offering garment results that provide confort and elegance satisfying the taste of our costomers with our high quality standards.

From research to the creation of our desing, we strive to be the most thorough in the choice of our textiles and supplies losing sight of current events and fashion trends. Getting to create garments that harmonize and idea. 

Bogotá D.C. Colombia | PBX: (571) 430 6440 | Fax: (571) 4306270 | Carrera 88A N° 64D - 90 Int. 17


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